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How to Support Your Customers During Times of Heavy Inflation



It’s safe to say that most of the world was unprepared to deal with a prolonged pandemic. While many people have started experiencing a pervading feeling of apathy, we are still left to deal with the economic and financial implications of the Covid-19 pandemic. Service interruptions and supply line disruptions were expected.

However, no one could predict the extent of its real impact on inflation and its effect on customers. A fine example of this is the semiconductor shortage and its effects on multiple major industries, including gaming, medicine, and the automotive industry.

Nevertheless, with the discovery of more Covid-19 variants, there is still an overwhelming sense of uncertainty hanging in the air. Added to various daily stressors and the increasing price of consumables, we can only expect these circumstances to worsen the global mental health crisis. Now, the question is how your business can help.

There are ways everyday consumers can stay ahead of inflation, but under current conditions, many still need a lift up. This guide will examine what practices businesses can implement to assist customers during heavy inflation. We’ll explore how you can retain your customers and make new ones by applying a few clever mitigation strategies.

Retaining customers during periods of inflation and other tough times

Applying a customer-first approach isn’t a purely altruistic endeavor. Taking a more compassionate and humanistic approach will ensure that your brand is transfixed in your customers’ memory. Thus, it’s clever marketing as much as it is magnanimity.


Integrating this ethos into your core values and core purpose will help your business maintain growth and stay relevant during these very unpredictable times. However, there are a few things you need to do before you can implement a successful customer-first strategy.

Re-examine your customer base and their relationship to your brand

“The only constant in life is change.”—Heraclitus 

You may be certain that you still understand your customer base. But as we’ve highlighted in the introduction, these are uncertain times. The pandemic has changed customer behaviour and expectations.

First, we need to figure out how these factors have changed and impacted your business. We can start by analyzing key data,  such as shopping habits, customer wealth, shopping channels, customer priorities, etc. It’s important to examine how the pandemic has influenced this data.

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A good way to use this data is to analyze how the pandemic has influenced customers’ saving and investment behaviour. Take into account how a Bankrate study found that 25% of respondents indicated they have no emergency savings. This provides a perfect opportunity for financial institutions to market high-yield savings accounts to their customers. Nevertheless, this suggestion is only one example of how new information can influence a brand’s customer strategy.


Other observed changes in behaviour include more customers shopping at discount stores, an increase in credit card usage, and more customers buying in bulk. Just as with the previous savings account example, businesses can use this data to refine their own customer-first strategies to offset the negative effects of inflation.

Nevertheless, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself when doing so. These may include:

  • Is our customer strategy still relevant?
  • Should we alter our marketing strategy to entice more price-sensitive consumers?
  • What promotions can we run to attract more customers and keep current ones?
  • How can we make our brand more socially relevant? Should we be involved in more charitable causes or host competitions?
  • How do we appeal to our customers’ evolved needs and desires?

Once you formulate and answer these questions, you’ll have the foundation for an excellent customer-first approach.

Apply price tiers

Your prices may be a part of your brand identity. A good way to maintain your reputation while retaining and appealing to more customers during periods of inflation is to add more price options. This strategy will prevent you from alienating previous repeat customers who may have suffered a loss of income due to the pandemic.

Adding more nuance to your services and packages will also save you money. Producing or shelving smaller bundles may be less expensive. Furthermore, you can market your older, more expensive packages as premium options. This will appeal to wealthier customers in search of some exclusivity.

Large retailers that sell a variety of products need to identify items consumers gravitate to the most during these times. Once you discover which category of products you need to focus on, you can add more products with more diverse price options. For instance, if you know that customers typically buy more bread during these times, add cheaper alternatives such as half loaves of bread.


Retail and consumer packaged companies aren’t the only businesses that can benefit from diversifying their packages and offers. For instance, many insurance companies have started including joint life insurance packages where couples can earn discounts (and/or other incentives) when they apply for life insurance at the same time.

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Place focus on consumers’ price perceptions

When price wars break out in retail, it’s usually due to four reasons:

  • A rise in price transparency
  • A sharp increase in consumer choice
  • Fewer switching costs between various options
  • A rise in the number of discount options in the market

During these price wars, companies collectively invest billions into price investments. However, consumers oftentimes don’t give credit to companies that make these price investments. Consequently, some companies receive way more acknowledgement for their pricing than what is fairly due to them; i.e., their prices aren’t as competitive as customer perception will lead you to believe.

To ensure that your company receives fair returns from its price investments, there are four central areas you can work on to improve price perception:

  • Prices should not be democratic. There are areas where you can increase and decrease prices based on which key-value categories (KVC) will make a bigger difference in consumer perception.
  • Provide customers with great deals. These can be in the form of promotions, rewards, coupons, loyalty programs, etc. Furthermore, it’s important to balance these deals with everyday low pricing. It will add more to your general shelf pricing.
  • Focus on how you communicate your pricing. This can range from signage to marketing and advertising. It’s important to assess what you’re telling your customers about your pricing compared to your competitors.
  • Looking at value proposition. You need to identify the standard or value of your products against your brand. For instance, you need to assess if your focus is carrying premium or low-end products. Additionally, it’s highly advisable that you examine the design and appeal of your store. Does it appeal to high-end clients or mid- or lower-end consumers? Finally, it would help if you studied the level of service you’re supplying in addition to your prices.

All of these areas can influence your price perception. Companies that are committed to providing high-end products or experiences will find it difficult to compete with their lowest price competitor—it’s an empty pursuit. They typically never get rewarded for chasing that price perception, despite investing a lot of money into it.

Next, you need to assess what customers in your industry value the most. You can use this to customize your strategy for the price perception you’re pursuing. Implementing these all-encompassing measures alongside your pricing strategy can provide you with an answer to constructing a concrete price perception.

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Using technology to close the gap between you and your customers

The Covid-19 pandemic drove digital transformation to new heights. The value of the global digital transformation market in retail was $143.55 billion in 2020; it’s expected to reach $388.51 billion by 2026. These figures shouldn’t be surprising as internet reliance grew during the pandemic. A survey conducted by Pew Research Center found that 90% of Americans claim the internet has been either essential or important to them.


If most of their customer base is online, businesses can’t continue to maintain a limited online presence. This is not to suggest that all retailers must switch to e-commerce. You can implement technology and use the internet in unique and creative ways.

For instance, you can add more digitization to your loyalty programs. If you run a point-based loyalty program, consumers should be able to review their points and what they’re worth using an application or website. Your business should have exclusive mobile applications and websites that users can access using their own private credentials. This also allows you to advertise new products.

You can also encourage your customers to fill out surveys and make recommendations. This allows you to gather consensual consumer data, which you can use to modify and improve upon your strategies accordingly.

Furthermore, digital adoption gives you the chance to sell virtual products and services. A good example of this is how promoters and event planners have found creative ways to monetize virtual events. Digitization also allows you to accept more payment options. Again, thanks to the pandemic, many countries have started pushing for digital payment options.

Bitcoin became one of the highest valued assets of 2020. Digitization enables your business to trade in crypto and digital currencies. Moreover, it gives you more product opportunities. For instance, you can offer services and options for securely storing cryptocurrency for your customers.


It’s important to take advantage of the flexibility and speed that current technology affords us. Mastering it is the fastest way to understand the current consumer zeitgeist. You can then use this information to construct a well-grounded, customer-first strategy to stay afloat when inflation comes knocking.

Keep customers during periods of inflation by adopting a customer-first strategy

Sustainable business models are important. Thus, your customer-first strategy should not be myopic. You need to consider your business’s current position and how it will stand post-pandemic (if the economy should ever stabilize).

To support your customers during periods of heavy inflation, remember that your customers are people first, and thus a humanistic approach is imperative to surviving these volatile times.

Via AB

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The Vital Role of the Federal Reserve System in Managing Inflation and Consumer Price Index




In the complex web of economic factors that influence our daily lives, inflation and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) play a significant role. The Federal Reserve System, often simply referred to as the Federal Reserve, is the central bank of the United States and wields considerable influence in managing these critical economic indicators. This article will delve into the multifaceted role of the Federal Reserve in controlling inflation and its impact on the CPI, providing a comprehensive understanding of its mechanisms and implications.

Understanding Inflation and the Consumer Price Index
Before delving into the Federal Reserve’s role, it’s essential to grasp the concepts of inflation and the CPI. Inflation refers to the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over some time. It erodes the purchasing power of money, leading to a decrease in the real value of a nation’s currency. The CPI, on the other hand, is a measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food, and medical care. It is used to gauge changes in the cost of living and is a vital tool for assessing economic performance.

The Federal Reserve’s Mandate
The Federal Reserve’s mandate is twofold: to promote maximum employment and to maintain stable prices, including controlling inflation. This dual mandate underscores the central bank’s responsibility to foster a healthy labour market while ensuring price stability. To achieve these objectives, the Federal Reserve employs various monetary policy tools, with a primary focus on interest rates and the money supply.

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Monetary Policy Tools
The Federal Reserve utilizes several tools to influence monetary conditions and, consequently, inflation and the CPI. One of the most prominent tools is the federal funds rate, which is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight. By adjusting this rate, the Federal Reserve can influence the cost of borrowing and, in turn, consumer spending and investment. Additionally, the central bank can conduct open market operations, buying and selling government securities to adjust the money supply and interest rates.

Inflation Targeting
In recent years, the Federal Reserve has adopted an explicit inflation-targeting framework to guide its monetary policy decisions. The target inflation rate is set at 2%, as measured by the annual change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures. This approach provides a clear and transparent anchor for inflation expectations, allowing businesses and consumers to make more informed economic decisions.


Phillips Curve and Inflation Dynamics
The Phillips Curve, a key concept in macroeconomics, illustrates the inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation. The Federal Reserve considers this relationship when formulating its monetary policy stance. By assessing the trade-off between inflation and unemployment, the central bank aims to strike a balance that supports both price stability and maximum sustainable employment. Understanding the dynamics of inflation is crucial for the Federal Reserve in making well-informed policy choices.

Impact on Consumer Price Index
The Federal Reserve’s actions reverberate through the economy, influencing the CPI and, by extension, the cost of living for households. When the central bank tightens monetary policy to combat rising inflation, it can lead to higher borrowing costs, dampened consumer spending, and reduced demand for goods and services. This, in turn, exerts downward pressure on the CPI, mitigating the effects of inflation. Conversely, during periods of economic weakness, the Federal Reserve may pursue expansionary policies to stimulate growth, potentially leading to higher inflation and an uptick in the CPI.

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Challenges and Trade-Offs
While the Federal Reserve plays a pivotal role in managing inflation and the CPI, it faces a myriad of challenges and trade-offs in fulfilling its mandate. Balancing the objectives of price stability and maximum employment can be a delicate task, as pursuing one goal may come at the expense of the other. Moreover, external factors such as global economic conditions, geopolitical events, and technological advancements can complicate the central bank’s efforts to steer the economy.

Forward Guidance and Communication
In addition to its policy actions, the Federal Reserve places great emphasis on clear communication and forward guidance to shape market expectations and anchor long-term interest rates. Through public statements, press conferences, and the publication of economic projections, the central bank seeks to provide transparency regarding its policy intentions and the factors driving its decisions. This proactive approach aims to reduce uncertainty and enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy.

The Federal Reserve System wields considerable influence in managing inflation and the Consumer Price Index, playing a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape. By leveraging its monetary policy tools, adopting an explicit inflation target, and navigating the complexities of the Phillips Curve, the central bank endeavours to maintain price stability and support sustainable economic growth. While the challenges are significant, the Federal Reserve’s commitment to its dual mandate underscores its vital contribution to the nation’s economic well-being. Understanding the intricacies of the Federal Reserve’s role in controlling inflation and its impact on the CPI is essential for policymakers, businesses, and individuals alike, as it provides valuable insights into the forces shaping our economic environment.

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3 Key Steps to Inflation-Proof Your Small Business



Two years into the Covid-19 pandemic, small businesses around the world have adapted to unique challenges presented by a new normal. We have gained a better understanding of the trajectory of the economy and the ways small businesses have pivoted to adapt to labor shortages and supply chain issues.

Now, the glaring issue facing the economy has become the compounding effects of global inflation and how to manage cash flow during this period. In fact, 60% of small business owners, according to a study by, are concerned that high inflation will affect the financial health of their businesses.

Here are three key pieces of advice for entrepreneurs on how to inflation-proof their businesses.

How to inflation-proof your small business

1. Understand what inflation means for your business

An important first step in tackling inflation is understanding exactly how inflation will impact your company. Three simple questions you should ask are:

  1. What costs are going up? Are these costs materials, labor, rent, marketing?
  2. Have competitors raised their prices?
  3. What other trends am I seeing in my industry or market?

If you notice significant increases in operational costs and that your competitors are raising their prices, you know it’s time to put inflationary pricing in place. As a natural response to high rates of inflation, prices for essentials at grocery stores, gas stations, etc. are raised to pass on the cost to the consumer. Your business should be ready to respond in the same way.

ALSO READ:   The Vital Role of the Federal Reserve System in Managing Inflation and Consumer Price Index

The next step is to think proactively, rather than reactively, when evaluating your business operations. After you raise prices for your customers, you can see if you’re in a position to lock in pricing with your manufacturers, vendors, or business partners. Setting long-term agreements can save your business money in the long run, while also adding a level of predictability for your cash flow.


It’s very important to know your numbers: What are your true operating costs? Which ones are fixed no matter your sales volume, and which ones increase with each product sold? Knowing these types of details will empower you to make the right plans for the future. There are many cost-effective tech solutions available today that can help you understand your costs and predict your cash flows.

Inflation will continue to affect the U.S. economy for the foreseeable future, and an emphasis needs to be placed on preparing for the long term wherever possible, in order to strike the right balance to keep your business in a healthy position.

2. Establish healthy working capital

Once you have an understanding of the competitive landscape and cost margins for your business, it’s time to think proactively. With limited cash flow being one of the main ongoing challenges for small businesses, the next step is to secure a line of credit for your business. Smart lending means having access to the money before you need it so that you can quickly smooth out future financial obstacles that may arise.

3. Have a 90-day plan

If you haven’t met with your financial advisor to assess your business plan within the last 90 days, it’s time to set up an appointment. During a period of inflation, it’s important to be deliberate and disciplined in how your business is managed, including readiness for market changes.

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A key part of this process is doing a 360-review of your business plan, addressing the specific challenges in the current environment. As supply chain shortages continue, you might need to diversify your supplier base so you have more options in filling inventory needs.


You might also think about staffing and ask yourself how the war for talent affects your business, both short and long term? What is your strategy for hiring and retaining staff to keep a consistent level of productivity?

Steps to inflation-proof your small business now will pay off later

Even as the world recovers from lockdowns and economic obstacles from Covid, we can expect the landscape for small businesses to continue to change.

Taking these steps can help small business leaders tackle the residual effects of the pandemic that stand in the way of making real financial progress, while also using this as an opportunity to sustainably grow their companies.

Via AB

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Petrol prices to stay unchanged, says SAPM Shahbaz Gill



Says this time the govt will bear burden of higher oil prices in international market

The government will not increase the prices of petroleum products at this time, said Shahbaz Gill, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Political Communication, in a tweet on Monday.

Gill added that Prime Minister Imran Khan has deferred the summary recommending the price-hike.

“The prime minister did not approve the summary to increase petrol price by Rs11 and diesel by Rs14. The prime minister said the government would do its utmost to save the people of Pakistan from inflation. Therefore, the Prime Minister has deferred this summary,” he added.

It had earlier been reported that the petrol price could go up by 5.03% or Rs5.85 per litre, while the price of HSD is likely to be raised by 9.49% or Rs10.72 per litre.

Pakistan’s inflation rate is still under pressure like in other countries due to rise in international commodity prices as well as economic agents’ expectations. The Ministry of Finance released its Monthly Economic Outlook report for January 2022, saying that inflation is high and year-on-year inflation is expected to remain in double digits in the coming month.


High prices have become a major issue for the government that is battling challenges on the external trade front as well. Inflation crept up to 12.3% in December.

Oil in the international market rose more than 1% on Monday to near 7-year highs hit in the previous session, while supply concerns and political tensions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East put prices on track for their biggest monthly gain in almost a year.

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Brent crude rose $1.07, or 1.2%, to $91.10 a barrel at 0325 GMT (early Monday morning), after adding 69 cents on Friday.

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