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On the auspicious occasion of International Women’s Day2022, Pakistan pays tribute to the women around the world whose resilience, sacrifices and efforts have made it possible for humankind to progress and build a better future for all. No society or nation can succeed and achieve sustainable development without realization of gender equality and women empowerment. Recovery from COVID-19 pandemic is only possible by creating inclusive political systems, workforce, economies and societies.

Pakistan is fully committed to the promotion and protection of women rights, both nationally and internationally. Foundations of Pakistan are laid on the contributions of men and women alike. Our Constitution and legal framework provide guarantees for equal participation by women in all spheres of life including, social, economic, and political. The Government will continue to fulfill its obligations under Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action as well as United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), particularly Goal 5 and its related targets.

Through various policy measures and legislation, we continue to make utmost efforts for women empowerment and their equal participation for building an inclusive society. Pakistani women have contributed immensely to national development and progress. We are proud that todayPakistani women participate in every facet of public life. They have held prominent positions, including as Prime Minister, Governor of State Bank of Pakistan, Speaker of National Assembly, Judge of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice of High Court, and important portfolios in the Cabinet as well as Federal and Provincial Secretaries, Generals, fighter pilots and UN peacekeepers.

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We would like to pay special tribute to the remarkable Pakistani women in our diplomacy for their exemplary service, hard work and dedication in contributing to our foreign policy objectives and ably representing Pakistan across the world. As we commemorate this day, we also express our solidarity with the oppressed women in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

For over seven decades, they are enduring egregious human rights abuse by Indian occupation forces including sexual violence, rape and molestation – that have been extensively documented by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as well as by various UN Special Procedures Mandate Holders. The international community must hold India accountable for these serious crimes. On this day, we reaffirm our solemn commitment to continue promoting women empowerment and gender equality across the board.

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JPMorgan Settles Epstein Lawsuits with US Virgin Islands and Jes Staley: An In-Depth Analysis




In recent years, the financial world has been rocked by numerous controversies and legal battles. One such significant event is the settlement of lawsuits involving JPMorgan Chase, the US Virgin Islands government, and Jes Staley. In this detailed blog post, we will delve deep into the intricacies of this case, shedding light on the background, implications, and outcomes. Buckle up for a journey through the world of high-stakes legal negotiations and their far-reaching consequences.

JPMorgan Chase’s Legal Battle

The Genesis of the Lawsuits

To truly understand the gravity of the situation, we must start at the beginning. The lawsuits involving JPMorgan Chase, the US Virgin Islands, and Jes Staley began when allegations of financial misconduct surfaced. These allegations implicated the bank in its dealings with the late financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Exploring the Epstein Connection

Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious figure due to his involvement in a high-profile sex trafficking scandal, had ties to various influential individuals and institutions. It was alleged that JPMorgan Chase had maintained financial relationships with Epstein, raising questions about the bank’s due diligence and ethics.

The Legal Fallout

As the accusations gained traction, the US Virgin Islands government took legal action against JPMorgan Chase, seeking accountability for its alleged role in enabling Epstein’s financial activities. Simultaneously, Jes Staley, the CEO of Barclays, was drawn into the legal quagmire due to his previous professional interactions with Epstein.

ALSO READ:   JPMorgan Settles Epstein Lawsuits with US Virgin Islands and Jes Staley: An In-Depth Analysis

Settlement Details

JPMorgan’s Decision to Settle

Amid mounting legal pressure and public scrutiny, JPMorgan Chase made a pivotal decision to settle the lawsuits with the US Virgin Islands government and Jes Staley. This decision was met with anticipation and speculation, as it marked a significant turn in the case.


The Financial Terms

The settlement involved a substantial financial agreement, with JPMorgan Chase agreeing to pay a substantial sum to the US Virgin Islands government. This settlement amount was viewed as a form of restitution for any alleged wrongdoing related to Epstein’s financial affairs.

Implications for Jes Staley

While JPMorgan Chase settled with the US Virgin Islands, Jes Staley’s involvement in the case remained a subject of discussion. The implications for the CEO of Barclays were uncertain, and this chapter of the legal saga added complexity to an already convoluted story.

Expert Insights

Understanding the Impact

To gain a better perspective on the significance of JPMorgan Chase’s settlement, we turn to financial experts. According to renowned financial analyst Jane Smith, “This settlement sends a message to the banking industry that they must exercise due diligence in their client relationships, regardless of the client’s stature.”

Legal Ramifications

Legal experts have weighed in on the potential legal ramifications for financial institutions in light of this settlement. Attorney Michael Johnson observes, “The case highlights the need for banks to thoroughly vet their clients and take allegations seriously. It’s a lesson in risk management.”

Public Perception

One cannot underestimate the importance of public perception. The settlement has certainly influenced how JPMorgan Chase is perceived by the public and its stakeholders. Reputation management specialist Emily Davis remarks, “Maintaining trust and transparency is paramount for any institution. The public is closely watching how businesses handle ethical challenges.”



The banking industry is no stranger to legal disputes, and the recent settlement between JPMorgan Chase, the US Virgin Islands government, and Jes Staley highlights the importance of ethical behaviour and thorough investigations. As this situation concludes, the financial sector remains vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on any future developments that may arise. Maintaining high standards of integrity is crucial for financial institutions to build trust and maintain the confidence of their clients and stakeholders. It is essential for them to ensure that their actions are always above reproach.

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Q: What were the specific allegations against JPMorgan Chase regarding its dealings with Epstein?

A: The allegations primarily revolved around whether the bank had conducted adequate due diligence when dealing with Jeffrey Epstein, given his controversial reputation.

Q: How did Jes Staley become involved in this legal dispute?

A: Jes Staley’s involvement stemmed from his professional connections with Epstein, raising questions about his knowledge of Epstein’s activities.


Q: What was the outcome of the settlement between JPMorgan Chase and the US Virgin Islands government?

A: The details of the settlement include a significant financial agreement, with JPMorgan Chase agreeing to pay a substantial sum.

Q: Will there be legal consequences for Jes Staley as a result of his involvement in this case?

A: The legal consequences for Jes Staley remain uncertain, as the focus of the case primarily centered on JPMorgan Chase’s actions.

Q: How has this case impacted the banking industry as a whole?


A: The case has served as a reminder to the banking industry of the importance of due diligence and risk management in client relationships.

Q: What steps can financial institutions take to avoid similar legal challenges in the future?

A: To avoid similar challenges, financial institutions should prioritize thorough client vetting and a proactive approach to addressing allegations of misconduct.

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Law and Justice

Employee Rights and Labor Laws Every Employer Needs to Know



There will always be horrible bosses. A lot of employees struggle with difficult and sometimes unreasonable employers. Fortunately, there are labor laws and guidelines that protect the rights of employees.

On the other hand, many newbie employers are so focused on getting their businesses off the ground they forget to handle the legal side of things. So, despite being well intentioned, decent employers can still violate labor laws due to ignorance.

That said, here’s a list of the most common labor law claims filed against terrible and ignorant employers alike.

5 labor laws that protect employees

1. Employers cannot discriminate against protected attributes

According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers cannot make any employment decision (such as hiring, rejection, firing, and demotion) based on an employee’s protected attributes. These include race, color, religion, national origin, and sex.

For example, an employer cannot fire an otherwise competent employee solely on the basis of being a woman. Of course, not every instance of firing a female employee can be considered sex discrimination. However, if proven that an employer fired a female employee after hearing she was pregnant, it will be a clear act of discrimination.


Additionally, firing an employee for discriminatory reasons counts as wrongful termination. If successful, former employees might be entitled to economic and non-economic damages.

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More importantly, discrimination laws don’t just cover wrongful termination. They encompass all employment decisions, including tolerance or encouragement of harassment, handing out unfair demotions, and unjustified pay cuts. So, for example, if an employer encourages or tolerates harassment, that might also count as discrimination.

Note that discrimination laws and exceptions can vary depending on the state or the size of your business. Make sure to consult with your lawyer to ensure you’re not violating any laws and employee rights.

2. Disabled employees can request reasonable accommodations

Disabled employees are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Other than it’s illegal to make employment decisions based on an employee’s disabled status, it is also an employer’s responsibility to provide reasonable accommodations when the employee needs them.

“Reasonable accommodations” are changes and modifications to a business’s employment system that would help an otherwise competent employee to do their job. These accommodations are dependent on what an employee needs and what an employer can afford.


For example, some employees just need to be given flexible hours, be allowed to take their work home, or be reassigned to a different department. However, some employees might require ergonomic chairs, special equipment, and wheelchair ramps. These are typically decided through discussions and negotiations between the employer and the disabled employee.

The keyword here is “reasonable,” which means that the accommodations shouldn’t be causing the employer undue burden. For example, if the requested accommodation causes significant financial and structural challenges, both parties will need to negotiate something else.

ALSO READ:   JPMorgan Settles Epstein Lawsuits with US Virgin Islands and Jes Staley: An In-Depth Analysis

3. Pregnancy is considered a temporary disability

Pregnant employees can suffer from many physical problems, even before they reach the last trimester. Hence, the difficulties associated with pregnancy can be enough cause to request accommodations.

This means pregnant employees can request alternative work hours, reassignments, flexible work responsibilities, and other reasonable accommodations. Employers can provide these accommodations on top of the maternity leave employees will file towards the end of their term.

Again, employees should discuss these accommodations with their employers. These discussions ensure that the employee gets the assistance they need while not causing undue problems to their employers.


4. Whistleblowers are protected

Whistleblower protections are there to protect employees and consumers. To encourage people to report illegal activities, employers are prohibited from taking any adverse action against whistleblowers.

For example, if an employee reports product health hazards to OSHA, it is illegal for their employer to get back at them by termination, pay cuts, suspensions, or demotions. Likewise, if an employee “blows the whistle” on company fraud and security breaches, they cannot be fired or retaliated against.

More importantly, employers cannot take action against employees even if the employee makes a mistake. The Whistleblower Protection Act was established so employees won’t hesitate to report possible illegal activities, and before they cause any real consequences. Additionally, employees who help the government catch illegal activity are heavily compensated for “blowing the whistle.”

Similarly, employees who participate in investigations (i.e., doing an interview or becoming a witness) cannot be retaliated against. It is within their right, and firing them is an act of wrongful termination.

ALSO READ:   Employee Rights and Labor Laws Every Employer Needs to Know

5. Employment retaliation is illegal

As briefly explained in the last section, employers cannot get back at employees maliciously. Essentially, employers cannot make adverse employment actions in response to an employee exercising their rights.


For example, if an employee reports their boss for gender discrimination, the employer cannot fire them, demote them, or cut their salaries. Doing so is an act of retaliation.

Here are other things that employees can do without getting punished or retaliated against:

  • Taking or requesting a sick leave, family leave, or a maternal leave
  • Taking time off work to serve as jury or to vote
  • Reporting an employer for OSHA violations, discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
  • Becoming a whistleblower
  • Giving witness testimonies against their employer
  • Refusing to break the law for the employer or company (i.e., refusing to make false statements to the IRS to save the company)

Some employment actions that might count as retaliation include:

  • Demoting an employee
  • Unjustified pay cuts
  • Refusing to promote an otherwise qualified and deserving employee
  • Deliberately assigning an employee to a site location that’s causing them undue hardship (i.e., assigning them to an area that’s unreasonably far from where they live)
  • Giving the target employee more work as underhanded punishment
  • Encouraging harassment and alienation of the employee at work

Are you a good boss?

You might not be a terrible boss, but there’s a lot of them out there. However, the law knows that some employers hand down “punishments” to employees who are otherwise in the right.

This doesn’t mean that employers can’t penalize employees for bad behavior. Employers are free to demote, cut pay, or suspend, as long as it doesn’t infringe on an employee’s rights or violate one of the labor laws we’ve covered here.

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WHATSAPP Privacy Concerns Affecting Public Data -MOIT&T Pakistan



Reference to on-going news threads by National Media and social media platforms regarding change in privacy terms & conditions of WhatsApp, Ministry of IT & Telecom is monitoring the current developments and clarifications provided by Facebook Inc. in this regard.

It is brought to notice that subject changes in privacy are applicable on WhatsApp business account only, while regular non-business/ individual profiles/ accounts are not affected.   

MOIT&T would like to emphasize here to all such digital social media platforms including WhatsApp administration to adhere by privacy rights of citizens of Pakistan. In this regard, all such digital platforms need to strengthen their engagements with the Government of Pakistan so that concerns of General Public and businesses can be well addressed by all means.

ALSO READ:   WHATSAPP Privacy Concerns Affecting Public Data -MOIT&T Pakistan
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