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Successful Entrepreneurs

The Entrepreneur: Ranjan Singh, HealthHero



Becoming Europe’s largest telemedicine provider in less than three years is no small feat, but that is exactly what Ranjan Singh’s company HealthHero has done.

Company: HealthHero
Founder: Ranjan Singh

HealthHero is the brainchild of experienced digital executive and private equity investor Ranjan Singh. Its purpose? To revolutionise the healthcare industry by offering users a suite of virtual healthcare services, delivered 24/7 via phone, video call and online chat.

Ranjan, co-founder and CEO of HealthHero, spoke to Startups about his “Digital Healthcare 3.0” vision, the dangers of hiring the wrong people, and the importance of knowing when to walk away from a business venture.

The Business

Describe your business model and what makes your business unique:

HealthHero is a digital telehealth platform. We offer a suite of virtual healthcare services delivered 24/7 via phone, video call and online chat – but we go far beyond ‘Zoom for GPs’.

HealthHero’s digital triage tool acts as a ‘navigator’ for users, directing them to the right practitioner or course of treatment, which they can access through our bespoke communication tools. This approach makes it easier for people to manage their health, providing more convenient access to a holistic range of health services and facilitating better outcomes for patients.

  • We are the largest telehealth platform in Europe by number of consultations and market presence. We’re also one of the few businesses in this field that has traversed separate geographical healthcare markets, integrating with different national healthcare systems.
  • We have more than 4,000 clinicians within our network, and they are involved in every layer of the business – from advising platform development teams, to helping with quality regulation and governance, to connecting with the end users seeking care through the platform. This helps us deliver on our joint aims of making care more accessible for users and alleviating pressure on the healthcare system by providing high-quality remote alternatives.
  • Most telehealth companies are focused on digitising individual steps of the patient journey, inadvertently preserving the overall inefficient structure – but HealthHero is fundamentally deconstructing and reconfiguring the entire healthcare journey, making it simpler and easier to access. Our combination of digital tools and clinical expertise facilitates pathways of care rearranged around the individual. We are really looking to provide a holistic digital experience covering the entire care spectrum, from prediction, prevention and diagnosis to treatment and management.
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What is your greatest business achievement to date?

Growing HealthHero to become Europe’s leading digital telehealth platform in such a short space of time – and all during a pandemic. We increased our revenue 20 fold over a two year period. It’s bonkers!

It is incredible what you can achieve in tough circumstances if you have a strong purpose. For us, that purpose is: simplifying healthcare; improving lives. This guides everything we do and has been the fuel we have needed to get to where we are today. And we are only just getting started.

It is incredible what you can achieve in tough circumstances if you have a strong purpose. For us, that purpose is: simplifying healthcare; improving lives. This guides everything we do and has been the fuel we have needed to get to where we are today. And we are only just getting started. 

How did you fund your business?

HealthHero is backed by Marcol, a privately owned pan-European investment house.

What numbers do you look at every day in your business?

There is a range of information that is critical to me on a very regular basis, but first and foremost it is about growth. Are we taking our proposition to more people and increasing our coverage in the markets we serve?

I keep a close eye on metrics related to service levels, the consultations we offer people, and client satisfaction. Then, of course, product integration/development, budgets and where we are placing our bets in terms of investment in technology. We are growing so quickly and we have such a huge opportunity to change healthcare for the better, that being laser-focused on our objectives is critical for success.


To what extent does your business trade internationally?

HealthHero is the largest telehealth platform in Europe by number of consultations and market presence – operating in the UK, Ireland, France and Germany. We are scaling rapidly in our ambition to be the dominant force in digital telehealth in Europe.

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Where would you like your business to be in five years?

Beyond geographical expansion, our overall vision is to help achieve what we call ‘Digital Healthcare 3.0’. This is the point at which patient experience and healthcare system efficiency intersect.

We want a world where healthcare is seamless, straightforward, convenient, comprehensive and easy to access. People should be able to get the care they need at a time and place that suits them. They should be empowered to manage their own care with digital tools. Our aim is to have every touchpoint in the healthcare ecosystem connected.

What software or technology has made the biggest difference to your business?

Our online triage tool has the biggest impact on the two critical areas we are looking to influence, namely patient experience and healthcare system efficiency. This is the entry point for many into the HealthHero ecosystem, setting them on the right care pathway for their needs. This tool effectively reduces the burden on the healthcare system.

Growth Challenges

What was your biggest business mistake and what did you learn from it?

When scaling at pace, it is hard to get 100% of your hiring decisions right, and I have learnt a lot about the importance of hiring the right people because of that. There were times when I should have cut ties more quickly when it was clear that a relationship was going in the wrong direction. I think you need to be ready to make difficult decisions, no matter how painful.


What one thing do you wish someone had told you when you started on your business journey?

It is okay to walk away, change and adapt your business. At a previous venture I almost learnt this too late. I think entrepreneurs are fed a narrative that the most important thing to do is never give up. However, as many founders reading this will appreciate, sometimes a business cannot succeed down a certain path for reasons that are completely outside your control.

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In that circumstance, even though it is painful, giving up is a better course of action than ploughing more money and resources into an idea that is doomed to failure. I would argue that sometimes giving up is exactly what you need to do in order to gain perspective, find firm ground, and start the entrepreneurial journey again.

It is okay to walk away, change and adapt your business. I think entrepreneurs are fed a narrative that the most important thing to do is never give up. However, as many founders reading this will appreciate, sometimes a business cannot succeed down a certain path for reasons that are completely outside your control. 

How has the pandemic affected the market you operate in?

There is no doubt that the pandemic has highlighted that healthcare systems are outdated and failing to keep up. However, these systems were overstretched even prior to the pandemic; services were disconnected and inefficient. COVID-19 will have a lasting impact, but we hope that one positive outcome will be the long-lasting adoption of technology that delivers better outcomes for patients.

Personal Growth

Did you study business or learn on the job?

I have done a bit of both. I have an MBA from INSEAD, and something like that helps you develop unique perspectives on business and create a valuable network. You also gain confidence and get to benchmark yourself against similar people.


80% of where I am today is due to learning on the job, though. There is no substitute for real- life business situations.

What would make you a better leader?

Time is one valuable resource that I would like more of. Being able to free up time for thinking and developing deeper relationships, rather than focussing on transactional interactions, would have a huge positive impact for me.

One business app and one personal app you can’t do without?

On the business side, I find LinkedIn incredibly valuable and I love Ted Talks for learning and new perspectives.

On the personal side, one app I could not do without is Google Maps!

A business book or podcast that you think is great:

I love ‘Sapiens’ by Yuval Noah Harari. The insight in this book, about connecting the dots between how things have happened and how things will evolve, makes it a must-read. I also am a big fan of ‘Predictably Irrational’, by Dan Ariely – it offers incredible insight into human behaviour.

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A Theory of Elon Musk’s Maniacal Drive




Elon Musk, the enigmatic entrepreneur, inventor, and CEO of multiple groundbreaking companies, has captivated the world with his relentless drive and audacious vision. From Tesla’s electric cars to SpaceX’s ambitious goal of colonizing Mars, Musk’s ventures have redefined industries and challenged conventional thinking. But what fuels this maniacal drive that sets him apart from his contemporaries? In this blog post, we will delve deep into the psyche of Elon Musk to explore the theory behind his insatiable ambition and relentless pursuit of innovation.

The Genesis of Elon Musk’s Ambition

To understand the origins of Musk’s drive, we must first look at his upbringing and early experiences. Born in Pretoria, South Africa, in 1971, Musk’s childhood was marked by curiosity and a voracious appetite for knowledge. He was an avid reader, devouring science fiction novels and books on engineering and physics, which undoubtedly fueled his imagination.

Musk’s parents divorced when he was young, and he developed a close bond with his father, Errol Musk, an electromechanical engineer. It was through this relationship that Musk gained early exposure to engineering concepts and technology. These formative years, spent exploring the world of electronics and mechanics, laid the foundation for his future endeavours.

The PayPal Windfall

Elon Musk’s journey as an entrepreneur began with Zip2, an online business directory he co-founded in 1996. The sale of Zip2 in 1999 brought him his first significant financial success. However, it was his involvement in the creation of PayPal that truly catapulted him into the ranks of Silicon Valley’s elite.

In 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in stock. Musk’s share of the proceeds amounted to approximately $165 million. This massive windfall provided him with the financial means to pursue his grand ambitions, and it marked a pivotal moment in his career.

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The PayPal sale not only gave Musk the resources he needed but also a taste of the impact he could have on the world through technology and innovation. It was a glimpse of what lay ahead, and he was determined to make the most of it.


Visionary Ventures

With his newfound wealth, Elon Musk embarked on a journey that would see him establish some of the most groundbreaking companies of the 21st century. Here, we’ll explore Musk’s ventures and the driving forces behind each of them:

  1. Tesla, Inc.: In 2004, Musk co-founded Tesla Motors (now Tesla, Inc.) with a mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. His relentless pursuit of electric vehicles (EVs) as a solution to climate change and fossil fuel dependence stemmed from his concern for the environment and a desire to disrupt the automotive industry. Musk’s commitment to innovation in battery technology and EV design has made Tesla a global leader in the electric car market.
    • The Drive Factor: Musk’s drive in the electric vehicle sector is rooted in a deep sense of responsibility toward the planet’s future. He envisions a world where sustainable energy sources replace fossil fuels, and he’s determined to make that future a reality.
  2. SpaceX: In 2002, Musk founded SpaceX with the goal of reducing the cost of space exploration and making it possible for humans to colonize Mars. SpaceX has achieved numerous milestones, including the first privately funded spacecraft to reach orbit and the development of the reusable Falcon 9 rocket.
    • The Drive Factor: Musk’s obsession with space exploration is driven by a belief that humanity should become a multi-planetary species to ensure our survival. His desire to establish a human presence on Mars is a testament to his audacious ambition and long-term thinking.
  3. SolarCity (Now Tesla Solar): Musk’s vision for a sustainable future extended beyond electric cars. In 2006, he co-founded SolarCity (now part of Tesla) to accelerate the adoption of solar energy. By providing solar panels and energy storage solutions, Musk aimed to reduce the world’s reliance on fossil fuels for electricity.
    • The Drive Factor: Musk’s drive in the renewable energy sector is tied to his conviction that transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources is essential to combat climate change and create a more sustainable world.
  4. Neuralink: In 2016, Musk founded Neuralink, a neurotechnology company focused on developing brain-computer interfaces. The aim is to merge the human brain with artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance cognitive abilities and potentially address neurological conditions.
    • The Drive Factor: Musk’s involvement in Neuralink stems from his concerns about the existential risks posed by AI and his belief that merging with AI is a way for humanity to remain relevant in an increasingly AI-driven world.
  5. The Boring Company: Musk founded The Boring Company in 2016, with the goal of revolutionizing tunnel construction and transportation. The company’s projects include high-speed underground transportation systems (e.g., the Hyperloop) and urban tunnel networks.
    • The Drive Factor: Musk’s motivation for The Boring Company is rooted in his frustration with traffic congestion and a desire to improve urban transportation. His commitment to solving such seemingly intractable problems showcases his persistence and innovative thinking.
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Driving Forces Behind Musk’s Maniacal Ambition

Elon Musk’s maniacal drive can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Mission-Driven Leadership: Musk’s ventures are fueled by missions that transcend profit motives. He sees himself as a catalyst for positive change in the world, whether it’s reducing carbon emissions, enabling space exploration, or advancing neurotechnology. This sense of purpose drives him relentlessly.
  2. Risk-Taking: Musk is not afraid to take enormous risks, both personally and financially. He invested nearly all his wealth in SpaceX and Tesla, even when both companies faced existential threats. This willingness to risk it all is a testament to his unwavering commitment to his visions.
  3. Long-Term Vision: Musk thinks in terms of decades and centuries, not just quarters or years. His focus on long-term goals allows him to overcome short-term setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity.
  4. Relentless Work Ethic: Musk is known for his grueling work schedule, often putting in 80-100 hour weeks. His dedication to his companies and projects is unmatched, and he leads by example, expecting the same level of commitment from his teams.
  5. Fearlessness in the Face of Failure: Musk has faced numerous failures and setbacks throughout his career, from rocket explosions to production delays. Yet, he views failure as a stepping stone to success and remains undeterred by it.
  6. Innovation and Disruption: Musk’s drive is fueled by a desire to disrupt industries and challenge the status quo. He thrives on pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and is relentless in his pursuit of innovation.


Elon Musk’s maniacal drive is a complex interplay of his upbringing, early experiences, and unwavering commitment to missions that go beyond personal gain. His relentless pursuit of ambitious goals has not only revolutionized multiple industries but has also inspired countless individuals to think bigger and bolder.

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Musk’s legacy extends far beyond the companies he’s founded; it’s a testament to the power of vision, determination, and a refusal to accept the limitations of the status quo. As we look to the future, Elon Musk serves as a reminder that the world needs more dreamers and doers who are willing to take risks, challenge convention, and strive for greatness.

In the end, Elon Musk’s maniacal drive isn’t just about success; it’s about changing the world, one audacious idea at a time.

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Why Most Long-Term Investors Can Safely Overlook the Federal Reserve’s Current Actions




In the investing world, there are few institutions as influential and closely watched as the Federal Reserve. The actions and decisions of this central bank of the United States can have profound effects on financial markets, interest rates, and the broader economy. As a result, investors often pay keen attention to Federal Reserve announcements, especially regarding changes in interest rates and monetary policy. However, for most long-term investors, the Federal Reserve’s actions today should not be a primary concern. In this blog post, we will explore why most long-term investors can afford to ignore whatever the Federal Reserve does today and focus on their broader investment strategy.

Understanding the Federal Reserve

Before we delve into why long-term investors can overlook short-term Federal Reserve actions, let’s first establish a clear understanding of what the Federal Reserve is and what it does.

The Federal Reserve, often referred to simply as “the Fed,” is the central banking system of the United States. It was established in 1913 with the primary mission of promoting a stable and sound financial system. The Fed has several key functions, including:

  1. Monetary Policy: One of the most well-known roles of the Fed is to set and implement monetary policy. This includes decisions on interest rates, open market operations, and regulating the money supply. Through its monetary policy tools, the Fed aims to achieve maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.
  2. Bank Regulation: The Fed supervises and regulates banks to ensure the safety and soundness of the financial system. It also helps maintain the stability of the banking sector and oversees compliance with various banking laws and regulations.
  3. Financial Services: The Fed provides various financial services to banks and the U.S. government, such as clearing checks, processing electronic payments, and managing the U.S. Treasury’s accounts.
  4. Economic Research: The Federal Reserve conducts economic research and analysis to better understand economic trends and inform its policy decisions.
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Now that we have a basic understanding of the Fed’s functions, let’s explore why long-term investors should not be overly concerned with its short-term actions.

1. Long-term investing vs. Short-Term Speculation

One of the fundamental principles of successful investing is to distinguish between long-term investing and short-term speculation. Long-term investors have a different mindset and strategy compared to short-term traders and speculators. Long-term investing typically involves holding assets for an extended period, often years or even decades, with the expectation that their value will increase over time.

In contrast, short-term speculation involves trying to profit from short-term price fluctuations in financial markets. Speculators often react quickly to news events, economic data releases, and central bank decisions, such as those made by the Federal Reserve. Their focus is on timing the market to make quick gains or avoid losses.


For long-term investors, the emphasis is on the fundamentals of the investments they hold. They understand that short-term market fluctuations are part of investing, and they are willing to weather these ups and downs with a focus on the long-term horizon. As such, the day-to-day actions of the Federal Reserve are of limited importance to their investment decisions.

2. Time Horizon Matters

One of the critical reasons long-term investors can largely disregard the Federal Reserve’s actions is their longer time horizon. Long-term investors are not primarily concerned with what happens in the market today or even this year. They are looking at a time frame that extends far beyond the latest Federal Reserve meeting or interest rate decision.

When you have a long investment horizon, short-term fluctuations become less relevant. What matters most is the overall trajectory of your investments over many years. History has shown that financial markets tend to recover from short-term setbacks and continue to grow over extended periods. This perspective allows long-term investors to maintain a level of patience and discipline that can be crucial for success.

3. Market Timing Is a Risky Game

Attempting to time the market based on Federal Reserve actions or any other short-term events is a risky endeavour. Even seasoned professionals often struggle to consistently make accurate predictions about market movements. Market timing relies on getting both the entry and exit points right, which is challenging, if not impossible, to do consistently over the long term.

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Moreover, investors who try to time the market often miss out on the best-performing days. A study by J.P. Morgan Asset Management found that investors who remained fully invested in the S&P 500 from 1999 to 2019 would have earned an average annual return of 5.6%. However, missing just the 10 best days in the market during that period would have reduced their return to just 2.0%.

This highlights the danger of trying to avoid short-term market volatility by making reactionary moves based on Federal Reserve decisions. Long-term investors are better off staying invested and focusing on their overall asset allocation and investment strategy.


4. Diversification and Asset Allocation Are Key

For long-term investors, the most important factors in achieving their financial goals are often asset allocation and diversification. Asset allocation refers to the distribution of investments among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. Diversification involves spreading investments within each asset class to reduce risk.

The decisions made by the Federal Reserve can certainly impact the performance of different asset classes and sectors within the market. However, a well-diversified portfolio can help mitigate the effects of these short-term fluctuations. By holding a mix of assets, including those with low correlation to one another, long-term investors can reduce their exposure to individual market events.

Additionally, the right asset allocation should be based on an investor’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. These factors should drive the allocation decisions more than any short-term central bank actions.

5. Staying the Course: The Power of Discipline

Long-term investors who ignore the noise of daily market fluctuations and Federal Reserve announcements often exhibit a high level of discipline. Discipline is a key characteristic of successful investors because it allows them to stick to their investment plan and resist emotional reactions to market events.

The Federal Reserve can surprise the markets with unexpected decisions, and short-term market reactions can be volatile. However, investors who maintain their discipline and stay committed to their long-term strategy are more likely to achieve their financial goals.


In the face of uncertainty and market turbulence, it’s essential for long-term investors to have confidence in their investment strategy and the resilience to withstand short-term setbacks. This confidence comes from having a well-thought-out plan that considers their individual financial circumstances and goals.

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6. Focus on Fundamentals and Quality Investments

Rather than fixating on Federal Reserve actions, long-term investors should prioritize fundamental analysis and quality investments. Fundamental analysis involves assessing the underlying financial health and prospects of the companies or assets in which you invest.

Quality investments are those that have strong fundamentals, including stable earnings, a competitive advantage, and a history of prudent management. These characteristics are more likely to drive long-term success than attempting to time the market based on short-term central bank actions.

By conducting thorough research and focusing on quality, long-term investors can build a portfolio of assets that are well-positioned to weather various economic and market conditions, including changes in monetary policy.

7. The Importance of a Financial Advisor

For many long-term investors, working with a qualified financial advisor can provide valuable guidance and perspective. Financial advisors can help investors create a customized investment plan that aligns with their goals and risk tolerance. They can also offer reassurance during times of market volatility and help clients stay on course.


Furthermore, financial advisors can provide expertise on how to navigate the potential impact of Federal Reserve actions on an investment portfolio. They can help clients understand the implications of interest rate changes and adjust their strategy accordingly, if necessary. However, these adjustments are typically made within the context of a well-structured, long-term plan.


In the world of investing, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day headlines and market reactions to Federal Reserve actions. However, for most long-term investors, this focus on short-term events can be counterproductive and even detrimental to their financial goals.

Long-term investors benefit from having a clear investment plan, a disciplined approach, and a focus on fundamentals. They understand that short-term market fluctuations are a natural part of investing, and they resist the urge to make reactionary decisions based on transient events.

While the Federal Reserve plays a crucial role in the economy and financial markets, long-term investors can afford to look past the noise of today’s actions and maintain their commitment to their long-term strategy. By doing so, they increase their chances of achieving their financial objectives and building wealth over time. Remember, investing is a marathon, not a sprint, and the Federal Reserve’s actions today should not divert you from your path to long-term financial success.

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Unlocking Global Growth: A Comprehensive Guide to Expanding Your Small Business Company




In today’s interconnected world, expanding your small business company globally presents immense opportunities for growth and success. With advancements in technology, communication, and global markets, reaching customers and establishing a presence in international markets has become more feasible than ever before. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to expand your small business company globally, outlining key strategies, considerations, and steps to navigate the international landscape successfully.

I. Market Research and Analysis

Before embarking on a global expansion journey, thorough market research and analysis are crucial. Identify target markets that align with your products or services and evaluate their potential demand, competition, cultural nuances, and regulatory frameworks. Assessing market size, growth trends, and consumer preferences will help you tailor your business strategy and localize your offerings effectively.

II. Developing an International Business Plan

Creating a robust international business plan is paramount to your success. Outline clear objectives, strategies, and timelines for your global expansion. Determine the resources and investments required, including financial considerations, staffing needs, and logistical requirements. Additionally, factor in legal and regulatory compliance, intellectual property protection, and tax obligations in the target markets.

III. Building Strategic Partnerships

Establishing strategic partnerships can provide invaluable support and resources when expanding globally. Seek out local distributors, suppliers, agents, or joint venture partners with strong market knowledge, networks, and established customer bases. Collaborating with trusted partners can help navigate cultural barriers, distribution channels, and regulatory hurdles, enabling smoother market entry and expansion.

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IV. Localization and Adaptation

Adapting your products, services, and marketing strategies to local preferences and cultural contexts is essential for successful expansion. Customize your offerings to meet the specific needs and tastes of the target markets. This includes language localization, packaging, pricing, and branding adjustments. Investing in market research and hiring local talent can provide valuable insights and expertise in tailoring your business to resonate with the local customer base.


V. Utilizing Digital Marketing and E-commerce

Leveraging digital marketing and e-commerce platforms is critical for global expansion. Develop a comprehensive online presence, including a localized website, search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, and social media engagement. Utilize digital advertising, content marketing, and email campaigns to reach and engage with your target audience. Embrace e-commerce platforms to facilitate international sales and provide a seamless customer experience across borders.

VI. Understanding Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Navigating legal and regulatory frameworks is vital when expanding globally. Familiarize yourself with local laws, permits, licenses, and compliance requirements in each target market. Seek legal counsel to ensure your business operations adhere to local regulations regarding taxation, employment, data privacy, and intellectual property rights. Building strong relationships with local legal experts can help mitigate risks and ensure legal compliance.

VII. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation

Regularly evaluate your global expansion efforts and adapt your strategies based on market feedback and changing dynamics. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), customer satisfaction, sales data, and competitor analysis. Remain agile and responsive to market trends, consumer preferences, and emerging opportunities. Continuously refine your business plan and adapt your approach to maximize success.

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Expanding your small business company globally opens up a world of possibilities, but it requires careful planning, research, and adaptability. By conducting thorough market analysis, developing a robust international business plan, building strategic partnerships, localizing your offerings, leveraging digital marketing and e-commerce, understanding legal and regulatory considerations, and continuously evaluating and adapting your strategies, you can position your company for global success. Embrace the opportunities that global expansion offers, and let your small business thrive on the international stage.

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