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Seven Points to Become a Successful Freelancer



Freelancers are heading towards becoming the regular jobholders since the modern trends are evident that the  Employers are only hiring those Freelancers who deliver the work on time and remain in constant contact with employers to be in their good books. Many newbies don’t know the basics of freelance Marketplaces therefore, lose the  Projects due to minor mistakes which cost them very heavy to sustain their  Project base.

The Following Seven secrets will help the Freelancers especially the Newbies to get a grip or hold on the  Freelance jobs or projects. The secrets are very important and considered the key to be the most successful Freelancer over the Internet since there are hundreds of Freelancers in various categories, but the only few freelancers pockets the perks of freelance Marketplaces while others manage to earn few bucks as part-timers to buy some goods and coffee.

1.Be Specific :

Being specific to the category you feel that you are very good at and don’t try meddle with multiple categories for which you have a minimum or zero skills to do the jobs. If you apply for such projects which are relevant to your experience and expertise, you may not succeed despite putting heart and  soul in the project but the  Employer is king, he may not accept the output  you have delivered through limited  Skills but the employer or buyer requires professionalism and the work should satisfy him as  per requirement. If you boast about yourself that you can do multiple things and when the project was awarded to you and you delivered the Poorest standard, you are likely to get bad marks from the buyers in form of Feedback. As some prospective buyers consider the feedback of any freelancer a key to hiring the freelancers from global freelancers pool.

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2.Specify Your Work Hours and Deadline:

The most important point for the Freelancers to specify their working hour or weekly limit of maximum hours a freelancer could do any job. Since some  Buyers may require you to work full time as  Virtual Assistants (VA’s)  or  Project Managers as they remain busy in doing multiple things at a time. In such conditions, Be specific and clarify in the Cover letter or application if required by the buyer. You need not ignore the instructions of the buyer in job posting as some buyers may decline the applications,  then and there, if you ignored the instructions in the cover letter or bidding statement. Deadline is the point when you have to deliver the finessed and proofread document to the buyer on time, if you miss the deadline , ultimately, you will miss the train bound to your destination to be on time and deliver one time to be a successful Freelancer. In order to deliver on time, start early and finish before the deadline as it will create positive points than delivering the date.

3.Be Honest and Polite:

Being honest and  Polite is the key for successful Freelancer since if your brief the buyer about your skills in an honest way, then there are 100% chances that you may win the bid or be awarded the Project right away. The Politeness while communication gives the impression that you are a polished experienced and  Professional freelancers and ready to work for the project. The Polite request to offer some test service will further establish you as successful freelancers and you will be experiencing tons of Projects coming in your way.

4.Communicate Regularly and Update the status :

There are several buyers and each buyer gets the Projects done in their own way some remain close contact with Freelancer to pass the instruction for the service requested, whereas, some may contact you on the last day of the project for the output. But in both cases updating the buyers on a daily basis is very necessary to be able to win their trust and inclination to hire you for a longer period.You must check the dashboard regularly to ensure that you may have received any instruction or message from the buyer. Answer Immediately as being non-responsive freelancer creates the impression or idea that you are not interested or irresponsible Freelancer and may receive negative feedback for communication skills. Update the buyer about the project document, if .required, share the part you have completed for buyers Review.


5.Asking Questions for  Clearance :

If you have understood the requirements of the buyer then it is very nice. If you feel that you have some confusion about the project document or having any missing information then you must ask from the buyer to get it cleared before starting to work on the Assignment. As many questions as you could be related to the project to get it cleared so that you may not have to revise it when your buyer says that he wanted some points in it and you have not incorporated the same in the document. So, In order to escape such inconveniences, you must ensure that you have understood the details of the project and you are ready to start to work the project. Such gestures produce awesome results and the output is mostly accepted by the buyers if it was created by keeping the instruction in mind.

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6.Proof Read for Errors, Bugs or Typo mistakes:

Before sending the documents to the buyer first ensure that the document you have created in free from the typo , grammar or infatuation or Capitalization mistakes. If you are freelance designers or Programmers, you must check it live whether the document has any programming errors or bugs so that you may fix them all and deliver an error-free and perfect document to the buyers. sometimes, you buyer gets annoyed to receive the document which may be full of grammatical and TYPO errors and may not accept the document and may not pay you for the services delivered since your product was not proofread and spellings checked or bugs fixed.

7.Profile update and Portfolio and Custom Bid:

The most important and the most rewarding point is that  you must have  an updated  portfolio on the  Freelance Marketplaces and you must mention those  skills  which you believe that you are good at and can display the example of  your  past work or  portfolio to make sure that you have  mentioned  only those  skills which have  already practised and got positive  feedback . In profile, you may give career goals, length of experience and skills, guarantees for standard and quality of the work and links to your Blog, content or websites you have worked for.

Don’t lie or boast too much, just presenting your skills to the buyers, would be enough. Always create custom cover letters or custom bid statement keeping in mind the instruction of the job post. If you ignore the instruction and use recycled or copy-pasted cover letter for all jobs, you will receive limited responses from the prospective buyers. In order to get positive responses, always create a custom bid or proposal for every new job you apply. Don’t use the same proposal or cover letter for multiple jobs.

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So, freelancers, we are summing this discussion up  with following advice that  if you keep  above points in your mind  to enter the lucrative and boundless  world  of Freelance, I am certain that you will certainly rule the roost in freelance World  and I am afraid that seeing the great success  , you may give up your day job . but don’t make such blunder until you find enough resources and establish yourself as Professional freelancer over the Internet.

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Tech Evolution: How IT Can Revolutionize Pakistan’s Economy



green motherboard


Welcome to our blog post on the potential of Information Technology (IT) to revolutionize Pakistan’s economy. In this post, we will explore the various ways in which the tech industry can drive economic growth, attract investments, and foster innovation in Pakistan. As a country with a growing population and a diverse workforce, Pakistan stands at the cusp of a technological revolution that has the potential to transform various sectors and create new opportunities. Join us as we dive into the exciting prospects that lie ahead!

The Current State of Pakistan’s Economy

Before exploring how IT can revolutionize Pakistan’s economy, it is essential to understand the current state of affairs. Pakistan is a developing country with immense untapped potential. However, it faces various challenges such as poverty, unemployment, and an underdeveloped infrastructure. In recent years, the government has recognized the need to accelerate economic growth and has taken steps to promote investment, improve governance, and enhance the business environment.

The Role of Information Technology in Economic Growth

Information Technology is a catalyst for economic growth and development in the modern world. It has the power to transform industries, streamline processes, create new markets, and drive innovation. For a developing country like Pakistan, embracing IT can prove to be a game-changer. Let’s delve into some key areas where IT can revolutionize Pakistan’s economy.

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1. Job Creation and Skill Development

The IT industry has the potential to create a vast number of jobs and boost employment rates in Pakistan. By investing in IT infrastructure, fostering an environment conducive to tech startups, and providing training programs for IT skills, the country can tap into a talented pool of individuals and bridge the unemployment gap. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into daily life, skilled IT professionals will be in high demand across various sectors, from healthcare to education, finance to agriculture.

2. E-commerce and Digital Payments

The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way businesses operate worldwide. From small local vendors to multinational corporations, having an online presence is essential for success in the digital age. Pakistan has already witnessed significant growth in e-commerce platforms, and with further investments and improvements in logistics and infrastructure, the sector can flourish even more. Simultaneously, the adoption of digital payment systems can enhance financial inclusion and simplify transactions, making it easier for businesses and consumers to operate in a cashless economy.


3. Education and E-learning

Education is the backbone of any prosperous nation. Integrating technology into education can improve access, quality, and relevance. Pakistan can leverage IT to create a digital learning ecosystem that reaches students in remote areas, offers personalized learning experiences, and equips learners with the skills needed for the future job market. By investing in e-learning platforms, educational content development, and teacher training programs, Pakistan can bridge the educational divide and empower its youth with knowledge and opportunities.

4. Agriculture and Smart Farming

Agriculture is a critical sector in Pakistan, employing a significant portion of the population. Technology can play a pivotal role in improving agricultural practices, increasing productivity, and reducing post-harvest losses. Through the adoption of smart farming techniques, farmers can utilize IoT devices, data analytics, and precision agriculture tools to optimize resource allocation, monitor crop health, and mitigate climate risks. Additionally, IT can facilitate access to market information, connect farmers with buyers, and enable efficient supply chain management, transforming the agricultural landscape in Pakistan.

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5. Technology Parks and Innovation Hubs

To foster innovation and entrepreneurship, the establishment of technology parks and innovation hubs is crucial. These spaces provide a nurturing environment for startups and allow for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and access to resources. By creating conducive ecosystems that attract tech companies and investors, Pakistan can become a regional hub for innovation and technology, bringing economic benefits and opportunities for all.


In conclusion, the potential of Information Technology to revolutionize Pakistan’s economy is immense. By embracing technology in various sectors, such as job creation, e-commerce, education, agriculture, and innovation, Pakistan can pave the way for economic growth, attract investments, and create a more prosperous future. The need of the hour is a comprehensive strategy that focuses on investing in IT infrastructure, promoting digital literacy, supporting startups, and fostering public-private partnerships. It is an exciting time for Pakistan, and with the right policies and investments, the tech revolution can unlock the country’s true potential.

So, let’s come together and embrace the power of IT to shape a brighter future for Pakistan. Together, we can build a prosperous and technologically advanced nation that leaves no one behind. The time for change is now!

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10 Ways to Make Money by Outsourcing




Outsourcing has developed into a potent tactic to streamline operations, cut expenses, and ultimately increase profitability in today’s fast-paced digital world when organizations are continuously seeking methods to improve their operations. A game-changer for your organization can be utilizing the world of outsourcing if you’re seeking for creative ways to make money. We’ll look at 10 practical ways to earn money through outsourcing in this detailed guide, revealing fresh revenue sources and expansion possibilities.

1. Freelance Talent Pool

One of the most popular ways to make money through outsourcing is by tapping into the vast pool of freelance talent available online. Whether you need graphic design, content creation, web development, or digital marketing expertise, platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer offer a plethora of skilled professionals ready to help. By outsourcing tasks to freelancers, you can focus on your core business activities while benefiting from high-quality work delivered by experts in their respective fields.

2. Virtual Assistants

Hiring a virtual assistant can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Virtual assistants can handle a wide range of tasks, including email management, appointment scheduling, data entry, and customer support. By outsourcing these administrative responsibilities, you free up your time to focus on revenue-generating activities, ultimately increasing your bottom line.

3. Content Creation

Content is king in the digital realm, and outsourcing content creation can significantly impact your online presence. Hiring professional writers to produce blog posts, articles, and marketing materials can help you attract more visitors to your website, boost engagement, and enhance your brand’s authority. Quality content not only drives traffic but also converts visitors into paying customers.

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4. E-commerce Fulfillment

For e-commerce businesses, outsourcing order fulfilment and logistics can be a lucrative choice. Partnering with a third-party fulfilment centre can streamline your shipping processes, reduce shipping costs, and improve delivery times. This, in turn, leads to happier customers and increased sales.


5. Social Media Management

In today’s digital landscape, a strong social media presence is essential for business success. Outsourcing social media management to experts can help you create and maintain a consistent online presence, engage with your audience, and drive traffic to your website. Effective social media management can lead to increased brand awareness and conversions.

6. Customer Support

Providing top-notch customer support is crucial for retaining customers and earning their loyalty. Outsourcing customer support to specialized call centres or virtual teams can ensure round-the-clock availability and efficient problem resolution. Happy customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend your business to others.

7. SEO Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the cornerstone of online visibility. Outsourcing your SEO efforts to professionals who stay up-to-date with the latest algorithms and trends can significantly improve your website’s ranking on search engines. Higher visibility means more organic traffic, which can translate into increased revenue.

8. App Development

If you have a groundbreaking app idea but lack the technical expertise to bring it to life, outsourcing app development is a smart move. Skilled app developers can turn your concept into a fully functional app, opening up opportunities for monetization through app stores or in-app purchases.

9. Accounting and Finance

Managing finances and ensuring compliance with tax regulations can be complex and time-consuming. Outsourcing your accounting and finance tasks to experts can help you make informed financial decisions, reduce the risk of errors, and maximize profits by optimizing your financial strategy.


10. Product Manufacturing

If you have a physical product to sell, outsourcing manufacturing can be a cost-effective solution. Partnering with manufacturers who specialize in your product type can lead to reduced production costs and improved product quality. This can increase your profit margins and expand your market reach.

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Outsourcing offers a plethora of opportunities to make money while improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your business operations. By leveraging the expertise of professionals in various fields, you can unlock new revenue streams, reduce overhead costs, and ultimately achieve higher profitability. Embrace the power of outsourcing, and watch your business thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

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Digital Q1 FY21: Record breaking-quarter



Freelancer Ltd., the owner of, has reported a 39% rise in gross payment volume to $192.9 million (AU$249.7 million) in Q1 2021 and a 32.1% rise in net cash receipts year-on-year to $12 million (AU$15.6 million). Both figures have set record highs for the Sydney-based company. 

Freelancer Ltd. includes both its freelancing marketplace and, an online escrow service founded in 1999 in San Francisco and purchased by in 2015.’s Q1 gross marketplace volume (payments to freelancers) totaled $25.9 million, up 23.6% y-on-y, and its cash receipts set another record at $10.1 million, up 31.4% y-on-y. The group reports that 72% of its revenue is in USD and 4% is in AUD. 

Freelancer (FLN) has traded on the ASX in Australia since 2013 and in March 2021 it began trading in the US on the OTCQX Best Markets under the symbol FLNCF, upgrading from the Pink market. At the time of writing, FLN shares were up 8.81% and FLNCF was trading at $.65, up 3.26%.

Freelancer Enterprise, the company’s virtual workforce management system, grew its gross marketplace volume by 83.4% y-on-y and the average spend by key accounts is up 2.3x y-on-y. In addition to financials, reported reaching 52.7 million registered users and 19.7 million jobs, with 1.9 million users and 519,000 jobs added in Q1, and a 105.7% increase in website traffic y-on-y to 16.4 million users.

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